Introduction -- Beginning of school year : the curse of the nerd -- Labor Day : my family tree is full of nuts! -- Columbus Day : the mystery of history -- Yom kippur : starring Ephraim as himself -- Halloween : scare--or be scared! -- Fall break : win/lose/win -- Election day : if you say so -- Thanksgiving : give me a break! -- Christmas : who cares about Christmas? -- Winter break : the baby-sitter has spoken! -- New Year's Day : it. was. January -- Snow day : snow daze -- Valentine's Day : anybody but Howard -- Presidents Day : don't call me Abe! -- St. Patrick's Day : the luck of the Irish -- Spring break : hos-key-wow-wow! -- Easter : scrambled! -- Mother's Day : mom swap -- End of school year -- The end.
Text of Note
This reader's theatre compilation of contemporary, humorous plays that deal with the problems middle-school students face is similar to the author's previous Teacher Ideas Press title, Just Deal With It! The plays in All Year Long! are themed to fit special times of year such as the beginning of school, holidays, and spring vacation and address problems experienced by this age group--peer pressure, fear of failure, jealousy, and more. Each reproducible play offers at least eight roles (boys and girls). Each includes a plot summary, prop list, and costume and presentation ideas, as well as ideas.