Abstract -- Introduction -- Measuring training -- The division of the cost and return to training -- Why employers may share the return to general training -- Empirical evidence on sharing of general human capital returns and costs -- The choice of training -- The effect of wage floors -- Is there underinvestment in training? -- Matching of high ability, low turnover workers to high training jobs -- Ways that employers who offer training can reduce turnover -- Estimating the effect of training on wages, productivity, and turnover -- Estimating the effect of training on wages -- Estimating the effect of training on productivity -- Estimating the effect of training on job mobility -- Conclusion -- References.
Text of Note
The analysis of how individuals obtain and are paid for their skills is fundamental to labor economics. The basic idea of human capital theory is that workers and firms invest in workers' skills in order to increase their productivity, much as persons invest in financial or physical assets to earn income. Workers develop many skills through formal education not tied to an employer, but an important part of their skills are learned on the job. This paper is a survey of the recent literature on on-the-job training, both theoretical and empirical.