Beyond culture : the hybridity of funds of knowledge / Norma González -- Formation and transformation of funds of knowledge / Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez and James Greenberg -- Funds of knowledge for teaching : using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms / Luis Moll [and others] -- Funds of knowledge for teaching in Latino households / Norma González [and others] -- La visita / Martha Floyd Tenery -- Beyond a beads and feathers approach / Cathy Amanti -- Empowering parents of multicultural backgrounds / Marla Hensley -- Home is where the heart is : a funds of knowledge-based curriculum module / Patricia Sandoval-Taylor -- Border crossings : funds of knowledge within an immigrant household / Anne Browning-Aiken -- Social reconstructions of schooling : teacher evaluations of what they learned from participation in the funds of knowledge project / Jacqueline Messing -- Funds of knowledge and team ethnography : reciprocal approaches / Marcia Brenden -- Preservice teachers enter urban communities : coupling funds of knowledge research and critical pedagogy in teacher education / Patricia Buck and Paul Skilton Sylvester -- Reflections on the study of households in New York City and Long Island : a different route, a common destination / Carmen Mercado -- Funds of distributed knowledge / Norma González, Rosi Andrade, Marta Civil, and Luis Moll -- Reflections and possibilities / Luis Moll.
Text of Note
"The concept of 'funds of knowledge' is based on a simple premise: people are competent and have knowledge, and their life experiences have given them that knowledge. The claim in this book is that first-hand research experiences with families allow one to document this competence and knowledge, and that such engagement provides many possibilities for positive pedagogical actions. Drawing from both Vygotskian and neo-sociocultural perspectives in designing a methodology that views the everyday practices of language and action as constructing knowledge, the funds of knowledge approach facilitates a systematic and powerful way to represent communities in terms of the resources they possess and how to harness them for classroom teaching. This book accomplishes three objectives: It gives readers the basic methodology and techniques followed in the contributors' funds of knowledge research; it extends the boundaries of what these researchers have done; and it explores the applications to classroom practice that can result from teachers knowing the communities in which they work"--Provided by publisher.
Funds of knowledge.
International Standard Book Number
Children with social disabilities-- Education-- United States.