Part II: Multicultural Marketing and BeyondChapter 5: Building a Marketing Campaign with Global Appeal; Chapter 6: Developing a Comprehensive Program; Chapter 7: Building Your Diversity-Friendly Place of Business; Part III: A Crash Course in Cross-Cultural Sales; Chapter 8: Mastering the Meet and Greet; Chapter 9: Building Rapport with Culturally Diverse Clientele; Chapter 10: Investigating Needs and Probing for Buying Signals; Chapter 11.
Text of Note
Do you want to increase your sales? Why not tap the fastest-growing consumer market in the country?. According to the Selig Center for Economic Growth, the combined purchasing power of the multicultural market grew to over 2 trillion in 2007 - exceeding the annual GNP of all but the nine largest economies of the world. Yes, the marketplace has gone global, but many business owners, CEOs, and salespeople haven't yet made the transition. As a result, they're handing their share of this potentially lucrative market to anyone who's smart and ambitious enough to accommodate customers from other cul.