An Overview of CFD Applications in the Food Industry, T. Norton and D.W. Sun ; CFD Optimization of Airflow in Refrigerated Truck Configuration Loaded with Pallets, J. Moureh ; CFD Aided Retail Cabinets Design, G. Cortella ; Improving Performance of a Chilled Multideck Retail Display Cabinet by CFD, A.M. Foster ; CFD Design of Air Curtain for Open Refrigerated Display Cases, H.K. Navaz, R. Faramarzi, and M. Amin ; Investigation of Methods to Improve Retail Food Store Environment Using CFD, S. Tassou and W. Xiang ; CFD Optimization of Air Movement through Doorways in Refrigerated Rooms, A.M. Foster ; CFD Modeling of Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer in Beef Chilling, F.J. Trujillo and Q.T. Pham ; CFD Prediction of the Air Velocity Field in Modern Meat Dryers, P.S. Mirade ; CFD Simulation of Spray Drying of Food Products, H. Straatsma, M. Verschueren, M. Gunsing, P. de Jong, and R.E.M.
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Karwe ; CFD Modeling of Jet Impingement during Heating and Cooling of Foods, E.E.M. Olsson and C. Trägårdh ; Use of CFD for Optimization, Design, and Scale-Up of Food Extrusion, B.K. Ashokan, J.L. Kokini, and M. Dhanasekharan ; Modeling of High-Pressure Food Processing Using CFD, A.G.A. Ghani and M.M. Farid ; Analysis of Mixing Processes Using CFD, R.K. Connelly and J.L. Kokini ; CFD Simulation of Multiphysical-Multi(bio)chemical Interactions of Tea Fermentation and Infusion, G. Lian ; CFD Prediction of Hygiene in Food Processing Equipment, B.B. Busk Jensen and A. Friis ; CFD Design and Optimization of Biosensors for the Food Industry, P. Verboven, Y.T. Atalay, S. Vermeir, B.M. Nicolaï, and J. Lammertyn ; Modeling Airflow through Vented Packages Containing Horticultural Products, M.J. Ferrua and R.P.
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Singh ; CFD Modeling of Indoor Atmosphere and Water Exchanges during the Cheese Ripening Process, P.S. Mirade Index
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Verdurmen ; Three-Dimensional CFD Modeling of a Continuous Industrial Baking Process, W. Zhou and N. Therdthai ; Computation of Airflow Effects in Microwave and Combination Heating, P. Verboven, B.M. Nicolaï, and A.K. Datta ; Thermal Sterilization of Food Using CFD, A.G.A. Ghani and M.M. Farid ; CFD Analysis of Thermal Processing of Eggs, S. Denys, J. Pieters, and K. Dewettinck ; CFD Simulation of Stirred Yoghurt Processing in Plate Heat Exchangers, J.M. Maia, J.M. Nóbrega, C.S. Fernandes, and R.P. Dias ; CFD Modeling of the Hydrodynamics of Plate Heat Exchangers for Milk Processing, K. Grijspeerdt, D. Vucinic, and C. Lacor ; Plate Heat Exchanger: Thermal and Fouling Analysis, S. Jun and V.M. Puri ; CFD Applications in Membrane Separations Systems, S.X. Liu ; Applications of CFD in Jet Impingement Oven, D. Kocer, N. Nitin, and M.V.
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Starting with an overview of CFD technology and applications, the book illustrates the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for gaining a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the performance of processes involving heat and mass transfer, such as mixing, drying, cooking, sterilization, chilling, and cold storage.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Ingram Content Group
Stock Number
Computational fluid dynamics in food processing.
International Standard Book Number
Food industry and trade-- Fluid dynamics.
Food industry and trade-- Technological innovations.
Food industry and trade-- Technological innovations.