(cont) Toward practical uses for biological concepts of temperament / John E. Bates, Theodore D. Wachs, and Robert N. Emde -- Behavioral research in the brave new world of neuroscience and temperament : a guide to the biologically perplexed / Theodore D. Wachs and Beverly King.
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Brain substrates of emotion and temperament / Joseph E. Steinmetz -- Neural bases of infant temperament / Charles A. Nelson -- A psychobiological approach to the development of temperament / Mary K. Rothbart, Douglas Derryberry, and Michael I. Posner -- The concepts of arousal and arousability as used in temperament studies / Jan Strelau -- Quantitative genetics and molecular genetics / Robert Plomin and Kimberly J. Saudino -- Psychoendocrine studies of temperament and stress in early childhood : expanding current models / Megan R. Gunnar -- Individual differences in the biological aspects of temperament / Susan D. Calkins and Nathan A. Fox -- Impulsive unsocialized sensation seeking : the biological foundations of a basic dimension of personality / Marvin Zuckerman -- Methodological implications of the impending engagement of temperament and biology / Warren O. Eaton.
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Attempts to bridge the gap between behaviourally-oriented and biologically-oriented approaches to the study of temperament. This volume highlights the major brain systems implicated and considers the neurochemical processes, the behavioural systems and genetics thought be involved in temperament.