Promotiong Function: Conceptual Elements. Framework for clinical decision-making / Susan B. O'Sullivan -- Interventions to improve motor control and motor learning / Susan B. O'Sullivan. -- Interventions to Improve Function. Interventions to improve bed mobility and early trunk control / Thomas J. Schmitz -- Interventions to improve sitting and sitting balance skills / Susan B. O'Sullivan -- Interventions to improve kneeling and half-kneeling control / Thomas J. Schmitz -- Interventions to improve transfers and wheelchair skills / George D. Fulk -- Interventions to improve standing control and standing balance skills / Susan B. O'Sullivan -- Interventions to improve locomotor skills / Thomas J. Schmitz -- Interventions to improve upper extremity skills / Sharon A. Gutman, Marianne H. Mortera -- Constraint-induced movement therapy / David M. Morris, Edward Taub. -- Case Studies. Traumatic brain injury / Temple T. Cowden -- Traumatic brain injury: balance and locomotor training / Heidi Roth, Jason Barbas -- Spinal cord injury: locomotor training / Elizabeth Ardolino, -- Spinal cord injury / Darrell Musick, Laura S. Wehrli -- Peripheral vestibular dysfunction / JoAnn Moriarty-Baron -- Parkinson's disease / Edward W. Bezkor -- Spinal cord injury / Paula Ackerman, et. al. -- Stroke: home care rehabilitation / Lynn Wong -- Stroke: constraint-induced movement therapy / David M. Morris, Sonya L. Pearson, Edward Taub -- Stroke / Lauren Snowdon -- Outcome measures organized by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) categories.