Includes bibliographical references (page 171) and index.
Text of Note
History and philosophy. The first life science -- Ayurveda and human potential -- Ayurveda, yoga and tantra -- Ayurveda and the western mind -- The five elements and man. Man as microcosm -- The senses -- The human constitution. Understanding tridosha -- Determining the individual constitution -- Vata constitution -- Pitta constitution -- Kapha constitution -- Mental constitutions -- Disease process. Disease classification -- Disease proneness -- Key to health or disease -- "Agni" -- Repressed emotions -- The three malas -- The seven dhatus -- Attributes -- Diagnosis. Examination of the radial pulse -- Tongue diagnosis -- Facial diagnosis -- Lip diagnosis -- Nail diagnosis -- Eye diagnosis -- Treatment. Emotional release -- The pancha karma -- Therapeutic vomiting (Vaman) -- Purgatives (Virechan) -- Enema (Basti) -- Nasal Administration (Nasya) -- Blood-Letting (Rakta Moksha) -- Palliation -- Diet. Fasting -- Vitamins -- Taste. Rasa, virya and Vipak -- Lifestyle and routine. Suggestions for a creative, healthy life. Routine -- Diet and digestion -- Physical hygiene -- Time. Sun and moon -- Astrology -- Ages of human life -- Longevity. Yoga -- Breathing and meditation (Pranayama) -- Mantra -- Meditation -- Massage -- Medicinals. The kitchen pharmacy -- Metals -- Gems, stones and color therap -- Calendar of birth stones -- Uses of gems -- Color -- Appendix A: Food antidotes -- Appendix B: First aid treatments -- Appendix C: Recipes.
Text of Note
General introduction to Ayurveda, the alternate health science of India.