Part I: Epidemiology and prevention. The epidemic of Type 2 diabetes mellitus: its links to obesity, insulin resistance, and lipotoxicity / Kenneth Cusi ; Prevention of Type 2 diabetes / Jonathan E. Shaw and Richard W. Simpson ; The metabolic syndrome / Aoife M. Brennan, Laura Sweeney, and Christos S. Mantzoros -- Part II: Physiological effects of exercise in Type 2 diabetes. Exercise performance and effects of exercise training in diabetes / Irene Schauer, Timothy Bauer, Peter Watson, Judith G. Regensteiner, and Jane E.B. Reusch ; The cardiovascular consequences of Type 2 diabetes mellitus / Sherita Hill Golden ; Endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and exercise / John Doupis, Jordan C. Schramm, and Aristidis Veves ; Exercise, adiposity, and regional fat distribution / Kerry J. Stewart ; Diabetes mellitus and exercise physiology in the presence of diabetic comorbidities / Amy G. Huebschmann and Judith G. Regensteiner -- Part III: Management and treatment. Prescribing exercise for patients with diabetes / Dalynn T. Badenhop ; Behavior change strategies for increasing exercise in diabetes / Brent Van Dorsten ; Nutritional management of diabetes / Norica Tomuta, Nichola Davis, Carmen Isasi, Vlad Tomuta, and Judith Wylie-Rosett ; Guidelines for exercise testing in diabetics starting an exercise program / Barry A. Franklin, Wendy M. Miller, Katherine Nori, and Peter A. McCullough -- Part IV: Special considerations for exercise in persons with diabetes. Conditions that may interfere with exercise / Susan Herzlinger Botein, Aristidis Veves, and Edward S. Horton ; Type 1 diabetes mellitus and exercise / David Maahs, Craig E. Taplin, and Rosanna Fiallo-Scharer ; Exercise and type 2 diabetes in youth / Kristen Nadeau, Jane E.B. Reusch, and Judith G. Regensteiner.
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Discusses the extent of the problem of diabetes and sedentary lifestyle and presents a compelling rationale for the importance of increased physical activity and exercise in persons with diabetes. This title focuses on both the physiological and practical aspects of the beneficial effects of exercise.