Includes bibliographical references (pages 135-144).
Text of Note
Preface; Map of Lake Superior; Wild River; The Gulls of Kitchi Gammi; Crosby's Paradox; Bicknell's Geranium; No Bar River; The Heritage of Landscapes; Harebells; The Group of Seven at Coldwell; Louis Agassiz on the Eastern Shore; In the Shade of Pines; Orion; On the Porcupine Coast; The Mission of Saint Esprit; Gathering Instincts; The Brule River; References.
Text of Note
In Lake Effect, writer Erika Alin explores both the natural and the human landscapes of Lake Superior, meditating on the rich geological, historical, and cultural events that have shaped the region. Alin's engaging essays reveal a profound sensitivity to the natural world and a penetrating historical imagination.