Preface: Challenges and new frontiers for organizational politics in modern worksites / Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Amos Drory -- pt. I: The individual's perspective: politics, personality and leadership. Organizational politics, leadership and performance in modern public worksites: a theoretical framework / Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Yinnon Dryzin-Amit -- Agreeableness and extraversion as moderators of the political influence compatibility--work outcomes relationship / John P. Meriac, Peter D. Villanova -- Personality and politics perceptions: a new conceptualization and illustration using OCBs / Christopher C. Rosen, Chu-Hsiang Chang, Paul E. Levy --Antecedents, processes and outcomes of collective (group-level) politics in organizations / Keith James -- The politics of impression management in organizations: contextual effects / Amos Drory, Nurit Zaidman. pt. II: ethics and justice: values, fairness and the possibilities for trust in workplace politics. Organizational politics, definitions and ethics / Chris Provis -- The direct and indirect influence of organizational politics on organizational support, trust and commitment / Simon Albrecht -- Politics as determinant of fairness perceptions in organizations / Constant D. Beugre, Patrick R. Liverpool. pt. III. Emotions and stress: organizational politics and employees' well-being. Organizational politics and workplace stress / Russell Cropanzano, Andrew Li -- The emotion of politics and the politics of emotions: affective and cognitive reactions to politics as a stressor / Yongmei Liu, Gerald R. Ferris, Darren C. Treadway, Melita L. Prati, Pamela L. Perrewe, Wayne A. Hochwarter -- The strain-related reactions to perceptions of organizational politics as a workplace stressor: political skill as a neutralizer / Robyn L. Brouer, Gerald R. Ferris, Wayne A. Hochwarter, Mary Dana Laird, David C. Gilmore. pt. IV. Systems and performance: strategy, change and decision making as a political process. A micro-political perspective of strategic management / Jane Gunn, Stephen Chen -- Organizational politics: affective reactions, cognitive assessments, and their influence on organizational commitment and cynicism toward change / Simon Albrecht -- The relationship between perceptions of politics, social support, withdrawal and performance / Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben, Anthony R. Wheeler -- Competing perspectives on the role of understanding in the politics perceptions--job performance relationship: a test of the 'antidote' versus 'distraction' hypotheses / Wayne A. Hochwarter, Robert W. Kolodinsky, Lawrence A. Witt, Angela T. Hall, Gerald R. Ferris, Michele K. Kacmar -- The symbiosis of organizational politics and organizational democracy / David Butcher, Martin Clarke. pt. V. The professionals' perspective: human resource management and consulting in a political environment. Speaking truth to power: three perspectives on consultation / Robert T. Golembiewski -- Twelve foundations for the power position of consultants / Astrid I. Boogers-van Griethuijsen, Ben J.M. Emans, Janku I. Stoker, Arndt M. Sorge -- Organizational politics: building positive political strategies in turbulent times / Ronnie Kurchner-Hawkins, Rima Miller.
Text of Note
This exciting new Handbook offers a broad perspective on the intriguing phenomena of power, influence and politics in the modern workplace, their meaning for individuals, groups and other organizational stakeholders, and their effect on organizational outcomes and performances. The contributors illustrate the fact that organizational politics has many facets and definitions, all relating to the use of personal or aggregate power in influencing others and better achieving goals in the workplace. However, politics in organizations is difficult to study as neither employees nor management are kee.
Handbook of organizational politics.
International Standard Book Number
Parallel Title
Organizational politics
Business and politics, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Office politics, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Organizational behavior-- Political aspects, Handbooks, manuals, etc.