Preface; Acknowledgments; Safety Precautions in the Laboratory; Venipuncture and Processing of Blood Samples; 1 Electrophoresis of Blood Proteins; 2 Enzymes as Diagnostic Indicators; 3 Tissue Distribution of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes; 4 Determination of Glucose in Serum and Urine; 5 Enzymatic Analysis of Blood Lipids; 6 The Use of Recombinant DNA in the Detection of Genetic Abnormalities; 7 Inheritable Diseases and Genetic Engineering; 8 Use of Radioisotopes in Clinical Biochemistry; 9 Determination of Glycosylated Hemoglobin; 10 Biosynthesis of Adrenal Steroid Hormones
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11 Immunoelectrophoresis of Serum Proteins12 Radioimmunoassay of Thyroxine; 13 Clinical Analysis of Serum Electrolytes; 14 Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio of Amniotic Fluid; Appendix: Reagents
Text of Note
Medical Biochemistry was first published in 1986. A good knowledge of biochemical analysis is essential for today's health-care practitioners, who, with their patients, face a widening array of laboratory tests to aid in diagnosis. The requisite biochemical methods and principles are best understood if medical students perform their own experiments, yet most currently available laboratory manuals are intended for general biochemistry courses and lack the clinical orientation that could make them useful in a medical context. John Van Pilsum and Robert Roon have designed this laboratory manual s.