Puerto Rico: surviving colonialism and nationalism / Mariano Negrón-Portillo -- The divorce of nationalist discourses from the Puerto Rican people: a sociohistorical perspective / Ramón Grosfoguel -- Puerto Rico: the myth of the national economy / Jaime E. Benson-Arias -- The discreet charm of the proletariat: imagining early-twentieth-century Puerto Ricans in the past twenty-five years of historical inquiry / Kelvin A. Santiago-Valles -- Narrating the tropical pharmacy / José Quiroga -- Deconstructing Puerto Ricanness through sexuality: female counternarratives on Puerto Rican identity, 1894-1934 / Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel -- "So we decided to come and ask you ourselves": the 1928 U.S. Congressional hearings on women's suffrage in Puerto Rico / Gladys Jiménez-Muñoz -- Islands at the crossroads: Puerto Ricanness traveling between the translocal nation and the global city / Augustín Lao -- Puerto Rican identity up in the air: air migration, cultural representations, and me "cruzando el charco" / Alberto Sandoval Sánchez -- "Pa' la escuelita con mucho cuida'o y por la orillita": a journey through the contested terrains of the nation and sexual orientation / Manuel Guzmán -- Contending nationalisms: culture, politics, and corporate sponsorship in Puerto Rico / Arlene Dávila -- Rapping two versions of the same requiem / Raquel Z. Rivera -- English only jamás but Spanish only cuidado: language and nationalism in contemporary Puerto Rico / Frances Negrón-Muntaner.
Text of Note
These discussions elaborate alternatives to dominant postcolonial theories, and include essays written from the perspectives of groups that are not usually represented, such as gays and lesbians, youth, blacks, and women.