Batterer Intervention: Program Approaches and Criminal Justice Strategies; Contents; Preface; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Executive Summary; The Nature of the Problem; The Causes of Domestic Violence; Pioneers in Batterer Intervention: Program Models; Current Trends in Batterer Intervention; Criminal Justice Response; Sources of Help and Information; 1. Introduction; Key Points; The Nature of the Problem; The Impact of Battering of Victims and Society; What Works: Do Interventions Stop Battering?; Conclusion; References; 2. The Causes of Domestic Violence: From Theory to Intervention.
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Advantages of Open-Ended Group InterventionsProgram Summaries for Three Mainstream Batterer Intervention Models; Conclusion; References; 4. Current Trends in Batterer Intervention: Innovations from the Field and the Research Community; Key Points; Interventions Based on Batterer Typologies; Typologies Focusing on Rage; The Domestic Violence Behavioral Checklist; Cultural Specificity: The Influence of Class, Race, and Subculture; Gay and Lesbian Batterer Intervention; Countering the Specialized Programming Trend: The Compassion Workshop; Conclusion; References; 5. Criminal Justice Response.
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Criminal Justice Materials and InformationNational Organizations Concerned with Domestic Violence; State Coalitions on Domestic Violence; Information Concerning State and Local Standards and Guidelines on Batterer Intervention; Individuals; Selected Bibliography; Appendix A. State Standards Matrix; Appendix A.2; Appendix A.3; Appendix A.4; Appendix B. Program Personnel and Criminal Justice Professionals Interviewed for This Book; Index.
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Key PointsKey Components of an Integrated Criminal Justice Response to Battering; Criminal Justice System Issues Affecting Batterer Intervention; Pittsburgh's Domestic Abuse Counseling Center (DACC): Short-Term Programming with Strong Criminal Justice and Community Links; Determining the Primary Physical Aggressor: A Knotty Issue for Law Enforcement; Diversion Sends the Wrong Message; The Key Role of Probation: Batterer Supervision; Collaboration Among Community Partners; Conclusion; References; 6. Sources of Help and Information; Key Points; Batterer Intervention Training and Materials.
Text of Note
Key PointsThe Language of Batterer Intervention; Overview of Theories and Related Interventions; Attachment Abuse; Controversial Approaches to Batterer Intervention; Compatibility of the Models with Criminal Justice Goals; Conclusion: Multidimensional Models Dominate the Field; References; 3. Pioneers in Batterer Intervention: Program Models; Key Points; Program Procedures; Selection of Programs Studied; The Impact of State Standards on Intervention Strategies; Ongoing Lethality Assessment; Program Content: Established Interventions using Weekly Groups.
Batterer intervention.
Batterer intervention.
International Standard Book Number
Abusive men-- Services for-- United States.
Criminal justice, Administration of-- United States.
Family violence-- United States-- Prevention.
Victims of family violence-- Services for-- United States.