[Pt.] 1: Understanding men. The making of a man ; Dating by the decades : a guide to how men feel about relationships in their twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and beyond ; Are women intimidating? : Myths versus facts ; Every sugar daddy ain't sweet -- [Pt.] 2: Finding a man. The standoff : he won't commit, you won't leave--now what? ; Let's stop the games : asking men the right questions to get the real answers ; Presentation is everything : don't let your "off" day be her "on" day -- [Pt.] 3: Keeping a man. The cookie : more on why men need it, why you should keep it ; The "n" word : how to get what you want without nagging ; Show your appreciation : a little bit of gratitude goes a long way ; Dollars and sense : how to handle money problems with men ; The art of the deal : how to get what you want out of a man -- [Pt.] 4: Questions and commandments. Ask Steve : more quick answers to the burning questions you've always wanted to ask ; For the men : ten commandments to pleasing a woman.
Text of Note
"More relationship advice in this much anticipated follow-up to the #1 New York Times Bestseller and international sensation, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man"--