Aircraft fuselage design in the century ahead : a multidisciplinary approach / Sotiris Koussios, Adriaan Beukers -- Application of new technology as a starting point in industrial design / Jan Jacobs -- Blob-shells : composite stressed skin roofs for liquid design architecture / Mick Eekhout, Ronald Visser -- Design in the chair AeroSpace for Sustainable Engineering and Technology (ASSET) / Joris Melkert -- Innovation-focused ship design : developments and options from a European perspective / Hans Hopman -- Integrated design : integrated design in architecture-- and what comes next? / Ulrich Knaack -- Offshore structures : hidden treasures for designers / Arie Romeijn, Jan Meek -- Soft mobility products : the experiences of the Delft Design Institute / Han Brezet, Satish Beela -- AI techniques for conceptual design / Frederik W. Jansen, Date W.E. Rentama -- Construction safety : at the crossroads of building and design : the case of the multifunctional Bos & Lommerplien Estate, Amsterdam / Hugo Priemus -- Design as an integral part of the innovation process / Guus Berkhous -- Designing complex systems : a contradiction in terms / Margot Weijnen, Paulien Herder, Ivo Bouwmans -- LIVING BUILDING environment for sustainable development in a fast changing world / Hennes de Ridder -- Research by design in urbanism / Jürgen Rosemann.
Text of Note
The mission of the publication Delft Science in Designis to promote and advance the exchange of lessons learned on designbetween university and industry. Also, it aims to amplify thevisibility of the results of academic effort in design at DelftUniversity. The questions "What is design?", "What is engineering?", "What is science?" can be fiercely debated. Between the extremes ofartistic design and pure science, the transitions are like in fluid:they are smooth and gradual. An approach focusing on how the universitydeals with knowledge may provide a better entry to the debate. Themutual u.