Art, thinking, young children? -- an overview; beads, seeds and emu feathers -- thinking through the issues surrounding indigenous art, children and galleries; growing ideas -- accessible starting points for an integrated drama, movement and music program with young children; art goes back to my beginning; inheriting dance -- past philosophies for contemporary contexts; seeing beyond marks and forms -- appreciating children's visual thinking; teaching dance to young children; young children telling it like it is -- insights for teachers; nursery rhymes -- everything old is new again; thinking through puppetry -- developing a quality puppetry curriculum in early childhood; dynamics, images and imagination -- landscapes in cyberspace; thinking for the new millennium -- the contribution of
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Process drama; uncovering the potential of rhythm -- education through arts ; drawing -- making thinking visible; visual thinking in technology education; early childhood arts environments -- functional and inspirational?; thinking with the body -- dancing ideas; child-initiated curriculum and images of children; finding the balance -- enhancing piano lessons as learning experiences for young children.