COVER; Preface; Contents; Structure of Metallic Surfaces; Adsorption of Molecules on Surfaces; Surface Analytical Techniques; Surface Imaging and Depth Profiling; Surface Tension; High Surface Area Materials; Overlayer Structures and Surface Diffraction; Nanostructure; The Langmuir Isotherm; Synthesis and Assembly of Materials; Index.
Text of Note
The surface Chemistry of a material as a whole is crucially dependent upon the Nature and type of surfaces exposed on crystallites. It is therefore vitally important to independently Study different, well - defined surfaces through surface analytical techniques. In addition to composition and structure of surface, the subject also provides information on dynamic light scattering, micro emulsions, colloid Stability control and nanostructures. The present book endeavour to bring before the reader that the understanding and exploitation of Solid state phenomena depended largely on the ability to accurately describe the microscopic structures of surfaces and interfaces and to define correlations between these structures and Physical and chemical phenomena. Covering all basic concepts, Theories and techniques on surface chemistry, the book provides latest information and developments in a Sound but easy to follow theoretical framework. The book will appeal to a wide range of readers including students, teachers, chemists, scientists and general readers.