Includes bibliographical references (pages 335-375) and index.
Text of Note
Frontmatter; Inhaltsverzeichnis; Einleitung; Dichtung als argumentative Disziplin; Nachahmung als Gleichnishaftigkeit; Die Legitimität der Fiktion; Theologischer Exkurs; Göttliche Entrückung oder natürliche Begabung; Geschichte des Enthusiasmus; Genie und Affekt; Ausblick; Backmatter.
Text of Note
In the first section the study reconstructs the reception of Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry and the genesis of the concept of fiction. In the second part it reconstructs the history of the concept of inspiration, which around 1500 was still understood to be divine expression, but which in the course of the 16th and 17th century was reinterpreted to mean the specific talent of the poet. At the beginning of the 18th century this later evolved into the concept of genius. While fictionality became the defining feature of the novel, the specific inspired writing style became the main characteristic.