Gold supply and demand / Neil Meader -- The physics and optical properties of gold / Martin G. Blaber, Mike J. Ford, and Michael B. Cortie -- A primer of gold chemistry / Alan L. Balch and Thelma Y. Garcia -- Surface electrochemistry of gold / L. Declan Burke and Andrew M. O'Connell -- Gold luminescenc / Vivian Wing-Wah Yam and Chi-Hang Tao -- Gold catalysis / Sónia Alexandra CorreiaCarabineiro and David Thomas Thompson -- Metallurgy of gold / Jörg Fischer-Bühner -- Gold in metal joining / David M. Jacobson and Giles Humpston -- Jewelry manufacturing technology / Christopher W. Corti -- Biomedical applications of gold and gold compounds / Elizabeth A. Pacheco, Edward R.T. Tiekink, and Michael W. Whitehouse -- Gold electroplating / Antonello Vicenzo and Pietro L. Cavallotti -- Gold thick film pastes / Kenichiro Takaoka -- Gold bonding wire / Koichiro Mukoyama -- Gold in dentistry / Paul J. Cascone -- Decorative gold materials / Peter T. Bishop and Patsy A. Sutton -- Nanotechnological applications of gold / Jonathan A. Edgar and Michael B. Cortie -- Miscellaneous uses of gold / Richard Holliday and Christopher Corti.