Includes bibliographical references (pages 160-169) and index.
Text of Note
List of main contributors -- UNED-UK -- Foreword / Sakiko Fukuda-Parr -- Preface / Derek Osborn -- pt. I. Issues and Context -- 1. Why a UK human development report? -- 2. Human development in context -- 3. Getting the measure of human development -- pt. II. Key Elements and the UK Policy Agenda -- 4. Food security: A challenge for human development -- 5. Housing -- 6. Employment integration for the least advantaged people in the UK: Opportunities and risks -- pt. III. The Way Forward -- 7. From vision to reality -- pt. IV. Reference Section -- HDR-UK Report Statistics at Regional Level -- App. 1. Environment and health -- App. 2. Economics and employment -- App. 3. Social environment -- App. 4. Human Poverty Index for British parliamentary constituencies and OECD countries -- App. 5. Participating organisations.