Machine derived contents note: PART I -- GENERAL -- Chapter 2: The Natre of Concrete -- RICHARD A. HELMUTH AND RACHEL J DETWILER -- Chapter 3: Techniques, Procedures, and Practices of Sampling of Concrete -- and Concrete Making Materias-To S POOLE 1 -- Chapter 4: Statistical Considerations n Sampling and Testing- -- G A RLA ND W STEELE 22 -- Chapter 5: Uniformity of Concrete-Makin MaterilsANTHONY E FIORATO 3 -- Chapter 6: Virtua Testing of Ceent ad Concret DALE P BENTZ -- EDWARD J. GARBOCZI, JEFFREY W. BULLARD, CHIARA FERRARIS, NICos MARTYS, -- AND PAUL E STUTZMAN 38 -- Chapter 7: Quality Cementʻ Concrete, and Aggregates-The Role -- of Testing Laboratories-JAMES H. PELERT -- PART II -- FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE -- Chapter 8: Factors nfuencing Concrete Workability-D GENE DANIEL 59 -- Chapter 9: Air Content, Temperature, Density Unit Weight), and -- Yield- LAWRNCE ROBERTS) 73 -- Chapter 10: Making and Curg Concrete Specme-JOSEPH F LAMOND 80 -- Chapter 11: Tme of etting-B RUCE J CHRISTENSEN -- Chapter 12: 8leed Water-STEVEN H. KOSMATKA 9 -- PART III -- HARDENED CONCRETE -- Chapter 13: Concrete Strength Testing-CELIK OZYILDIRIM -- AND NICHOLAS J. CARINO 125 -- Chapter 14: Prediction of Potential Concrete Strength at Later Ages- -- NICHOLAS J. CARIN 14 -- Chapter 15: Freezing and Thawing RLES K. NMA 154 -- Chapter 16: Corrosion of Reinforng SteelNEAL S BERKE 164 -- Chapter 17: Embedded Meta s and Materials Other Than -- Reinforcing Stee -- B ERNARD ERLIN 74 -- Chapter 18: Abrasion Resistance- KARL J. BAKKE 184 -- Chapter 19: Elast Properties, Creep, and Reaxat -JASON WEISS 94 -- Chapter 20: Petrographic Exa nation-BERNARD ERLIN 207 -- Chapter 21: Volume Change FRED GOODWiN 215 -- Chapter 22: hermal Propertie -- STEPHEN B. TARO 26 -- Chapter 23: Pore Structure, Permeability, and Penetration Resistance -- Characteristcs of ConcreteNATALIYA HEARN, R. DOUGLAS HOOTON, -- AND MICHELLE R. NOKKEN 238 -- Chapter 24: Che ca Resistance of Concrete -- M.D.A THOMAS -- Chapter 25: Resistance to Fire and High Temperatr STEPHEN S. SZOKE 274 -- Chapter 26: Air Content and Density of Hardened Concrete- -- K EN NETH C H OVER 288 -- Chapter 27: Analyses for Cement and Other Materil in Hardene -- Concrete WILLIAM G. HIME 309 -- Chapter 28: Nondestructive Tests-V MOHAN MALHOTRA 314 -- PARI NV -- CONCRETE AGGREGATES -- pter 29: rading, Shape, and Surface Textur N GRES 337 -- hapter 30. Bulk Density, Relative Density (Specfic Gravity), Pore -- Structure, Absrption and Surace oistur-JOHN J. YZENAS, JR 346 -- hapter 31: Soundness, Deleterious Substances and Coatings -- STEPHEN W, FORSTER 355 -- Chapter 32: Degradation Resistance, Strengthʻ and Related Properties of -- Aggregates RiCHARD C.M NINGER 365 -- hapter 33: Petrographic Evaluation of Concrete Aggregates- -- G SA M W ONG 3 7 7 -- apter 34: AkaSica Reactions in Concret-DAVID STARK 401 -- apter 35: Akai-Carbonate Rock ReactionM EL A ZL 4 -- pte 36 era Properties of ggrgates STEPHEN LANE 425 -- PART V -- OTHER CONCRETE MAKING MATERIALS -- pter 37 Hydraulic CeentsPhysica Properties-LESLIE STRUBLE 435 -- apter 38: Hydraulic CementChemica Prpertes-SHARON M. DEHAYES -- AND PAUL T ENN S 450 -- "pter 39: Ming and Curing Water for ConcretJAMES S. PIERCE 462 -- Chapter 40: Curing and Materials Applied to New Concrete -- Su faces -- BEN E. EDW ARDS 467 -- pter 41: ArEntraining Admixture-ARA A. EKNAVORIAN 474 -- pter42: Cheica Admixtures-BRUCE J CHRISTENSEN AND HAMD FARZAM 84 -- pter 43: Supleentary Ceentitous ateia SOTT SCHLORHOLTZ 495 -- pter 44:ag as a Cementitious Mater-JAN R. PRSINSKI 512 -- PART VI -- SPECIALIZED CONCRETES -- Chapter 45: Ready Mixed ConcreteC L Lo AND RICHARD GAYNOR 533 -- Chapter 46: Lightweight Concrete and Aggregates-THOMAS A. HOLM -- A N D JO HN P R IE 54 8 -- pter 47: ell la C et -- F AD H FOUAD 561 -- apter 48: Concrete for Radation ShDOUGLAS E. VOLKMAN 570 -- apter 49: FibeReinforced Cncrete E C TATNALL 578 -- aper 50: Prepaced Agregate C re DWARD P. HOLU 591 -- apter 51 Roer-Compacted Cocrete (RCC)-WAYNE S ADASKA 595 -- pter 52: Polymerodfed Cocrete and Mortar GERRY WALTERS 605 -- Chpter 53: Shotcrete-JoHN H. PYE 6 -- Chapter 54: Organic Materials for Bonding, Patching, and Sealing -- Con cre te- RA YM OND J SCHUTZ 25 -- Chapter 55: Packaged, Dry, Cementitious Mixtures NNISON FIALA 631 -- Chapter 56: Se f-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) -- JOSEH A :DACZKO -- AND M ARTIN VA CHON 63.
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Significance of tests and properties of concrete and concrete-making materials.