Published on behalf of the Leeds College of Building.
Text of Note
Front Cover; Brick Work; Copyright Page; Contents; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1. Contributing to the provision of a healthy and safe working environment; Chapter 2. Setting out a small building; Chapter 3. Brick walling details; Chapter 4. Walling details; Chapter 5. Access equipment; Chapter 6. Site drainage; Chapter 7. Decorative bonding; Chapter 8. Basic calculations; Notes.
Text of Note
Brickwork allows the reader to develop their understanding of key subjects by completing the numerous exercises and tests, including multiple choice questions. In addition, each topic begins with a summary of key facts and figures, making this an ideal course text based round core information and assessments rather than reading an extended text. The coverage includes health and safety and basic calculations as well as the technical and practical aspects of brickwork. All students of bricklaying will find this a stimulating and useful revision aid.