Cover -- Preface -- Contents -- Drosera Rotundifolia, or The Common Sun-dew13; -- The Movements of the Tentacles from the Contact of Solid Bodies13; -- Aggregation of the Protoplasm within the Cells of the Tentacles13; -- The Effects of Heat on the Leaves13; -- The Effects of Non-nitrogenous and Nitrogenous Organic Fluids on the Leaves13; -- The Digestive Power of the Secretion of Drosera13; -- The Effects of Salts of Ammonia13; -- The Effects of Various Salts and Acids on the Leaves13; -- The Effects of Certain Alkaloid Poisons, Other Substances and Vapours13; -- The Sensitiveness of the Leaves, and the Lines of Transmission of the Motor Impulse13; -- Recapitulation of the Chief Observations on Drosera Rotundifolia13; -- On the Structure and Movements of Some Other Species of Drosera13; -- Dionaea Muscipula -- Aldrovanda Vesiculosa -- Drosophyllum -- Roridula -- Byblis Glandular Hairs of Other Plants -- Concluding Remarks on the Droseraceae 13; -- Pinguicula -- Utricularia -- Utricularia-II -- Index.