Nutritional status, psychological issues, and survival in hemodialysis patients / Cohen, S.D., Kimmel, P.L. -- Body protein index based on bioelectrical impedance analysis is a useful new marker assessing nutritional status: applications to patients with chronic renal failure on maintenance dialysis / Nakao, T. [and others] -- Nutritional assessment by a new method for patients with renal disease / Kanno, Y., Sasaki, S., Suzuki, H. -- Protein intake of more than 0.5g/kg bw/day is not effective in suppressing the progression of chronic renal failure / Ideura, T. [and others] -- Diet therapy in diabetic nephropathy / Maeda, Y., Shiigai, T. -- Nutritional therapy for patients undergoing hemodialysis / Kumagai, H. -- Diet therapy in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis / Kanno, Y. -- Diet therapy after kidney transplantation: a comparative debate between Japan and Western countries / Nishi, S. [and others] -- Sodium and kidney disease / Suzuki, H. [and others] -- Dietary protein intake and kidney disease in Western diet / Pecoits-Filho, R. -- Phosphate restriction in diet therapy / Takeda, E. [and others] -- Salt and excess food intake produced diabetic nephropathy in Japan / Takane, H. [and others].