Analysis and Manipulation of Recombinant Glycoproteins Manufactured in Mammalian Cell Culture / Nigel Jenkins -- Genetic Approaches to Recombinant Protein Production in Mammalian Cells / Peter P. Mueller [and others] -- Protein Expression Using Transgenic Animals / William H. Velander, Kevin E. van Cott -- Mammalian Cell Culture: Process Development Considerations / Steven Rose, Thomas Black, Divakar Ramakrishnan -- Natural Products: Discovery and Screening / Matthew D. Hilton -- Genetic Engineering Solutions for Natural Products in Actinomycetes / Richard H. Baltz -- Culture Medium Optimization and Scale-Up for Microbial Fermentations / Neal C. Connors -- Functional Genomics for Plant Trait Discovery / Sam Reddy [and others] -- Molecular Tools for Engineering Plant Cells / Donald J. Merlo -- Plant Cell Culture: A Critical Tool for Agricultural Biotechnology / Joseph F. Petolino, Jean L. Roberts, Ponsamuel Jayakumar -- Expression of Recombinant Proteins via the Plastid Genome / Jeffrey M. Staub -- Oleosin Partitioning Technology for Production of Recombinant Proteins in Oil Seeds / Maurice M. Moloney -- Genome Sequencing and Genomic Technologies in Drug Discovery and Development / Lawrence M. Gelbert -- Proteomics / Gerald W. Becker [and others] -- Metabolic Flux Analysis, Modeling, and Engineering Solutions / Walter M. van Gulik, Wouter A. van Winden, Joseph J. Heijnen -- Advances in Analytical Chemistry for Biotechnology: Mass Spectrometry of Peptides, Proteins, and Glycoproteins / Jeffrey S. Patrick -- DNA Shuffling for Whole Cell Engineering / Steve del Cardayre, Keith Powell -- Cell Culture Preservation and Storage for Industrial Bioprocesses / James R. Moldenhauer.
Text of Note
The advent of molecular genetics, the progression of transgenic animal and plant methodologies from the laboratory to industrial-scale production, and the development of powerful analytical techniques have each helped standardize the culturing of cells to produce desirable commercial products. In Handbook of Industrial Cell Culture: Mammalian, Microbial, and Plant Cells, a diverse team of researchers, technologists, and engineers describe, in simple and practical language, the major current and evolving technologies for improving the biocatalytic capabilities of mammalian, microbial, and plant cells. The authors present state-of-the-art techniques, proven methods, and strategies for industrial screening, cultivation, and scale-up of these cells, and describe their biotechnological and industrial uses. Special emphasis is given to solving the critical issues encountered during the discovery of new drugs, process development, and the manufacture of new and existing compounds. Other topics include recombinant protein expression, bioinformatics, high throughput screening, analytical tools in biotechnology, DNA shuffling, and genomics discovery. The authors all have proven track records in the successful implementation of commercial-scale processes. Cutting-edge and highly practical, the Handbook of Industrial Cell Culture: Mammalian, Microbial, and Plant Cells not only surveys the best current practices in the art of industrial cell culture across cell types, but also delineates today's evolving technologies with examples of proven practical applications, as well as projections of their future potential.