Part 1. Farmer Plant Breeders and Collaboration -- -- Understanding Farmers' Knowledge as the Basis for Collaboration with Plant Breeders : Methodological Development and Examples from Ongoing Research in Mexico, Syria, Cuba and Nepal / Daniela Soleri [and others] -- Economics Perspectives on Collaborative Plant Breeding for Conservation of Genetic Diversity On Farm / Melinda Smale -- Social and Agroecological Variability of Seed Production and the Potential Collaborative Breeding of Potatoes in the Andee Countries / Karl Zimmerer -- Farmers' Views and Management of Sorghum Diversity in Western Harerghe, Ethiopia : Implications for Collaboration with Formal Breeding / Shawn J. McGuire -- How Farmer-Scientist Cooperation is Devalued and Revalued : a Philippine Example / David Frossard -- -- Part 2. Scientific Plant Breeders and Collaboration -- -- Selecting with Farmers : the Formative Years of Cereal Breeding and Public Seed in Switzerland (1889-1936) / Jürg Schneider -- Theory, Empiricism and Intuition in Professional Plant Breeding / Donald N. Duvick -- Conceptual Changes in Cuban Plant Breeding in Response to a National Socio-economic Crisis : the Example of Pumpkins / Humberto Rios Labrada, Daniela Soleri and David A. Cleveland -- Participatory Plant Breeding in Rice in Nepal / Krishna D. Joshi [and others] -- Collaborative Maize Variety Development for Stress-prone Environments in Southern Africa / Marianne Binziger and Julien de Meyer -- Plant Breeding with Farmers Requires Testing the Assumptions of Conventional Plant Breeding : Lessons from the ICARDA Barley Program / Salvatore Ceccarelli and Stefania Grando.
Text of Note
This book reviews "participatory" or "collaborative" plant breeding and presents case studies. It also addresses three key issues: (1) what is the nature of plant breeding knowledge, in theory and practice?; (2) in what ways are farmers' and plant breeders' knowledge similar or different?; and (3) what are the implications for successful plant breeding initiatives? The purpose of this book is to examine the nature of and relationship between the knowledge of farmers and of scientists, and how these can be best integrated in plant breeding. In the past, farmers' knowledge of local biodiversity has often been underutilized, but currently there is an increased recognition of the importance of farmer participation or collaboration. It is divided into two sections, farmer plant breeders and collaboration (5 chapters) and scientific plant breeders and collaboration (6 papers).