Title on CD-ROM: Clinical orthopaedic fact finder series.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Principles and concepts -- Head and face -- Cervical spine -- Temporomandibular joint -- Shoulder -- Elbow -- Forearm, wrist, and hand -- Toracic (dorsal) spine -- Lumbar spine -- Pelvis -- Hip -- Knee -- Lower leg, ankle, and foot -- Assessment of gait -- Assessment of posture -- Assessment of the amputee -- Emergency sports assessment -- Preparticipation evaluation.
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The book covers a systematic approach to performing a neuromusculoskeletal assessment and understanding the reasoning behind various aspects of the assessment. Coverage of every joint of the body, as well as chapters on specific areas such as principles of assessment, head and face, gait, posture, emergency care, and pre-participation evaluation. Assessment guidelines that detail each step of an evaluation, including history taking, observation, physical examination, differential diagnoses, and more. Case studies which provide guidance for developing differential diagnoses. Information on peripheral nerves enables readers to differentiate between symptoms from radicular problems and those from peripheral nerve problems. Coverage of the extremities, clear explanations of positions and movements, and use of tables and illustrations (including many radiographs) to highlight key points.
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System requirements for Macintosh: Mac OS X or higher operating system; 800 x 600 pixels screen resolution; Power Macintosh; 64 MB RAM; 1 GHz+ PowerPC G4; 10 MB free hard disk space; 84X or faster CD-ROM drive.
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System requirements for Windows: Windows 2000 or XP operating system; Pentium II 400 MHz processor or faster processor; 800 x 600 monitor with True Color; 64 MB recommended; 10 MB free hard disk space; 48X or faster CD-ROM drive.