Ch. 1. Diagnosis and treatment of helper stresses, traumas, and illnesses -- Ch. 2. The trauma of working with traumatized children -- Ch. 3. Stress responses of mental health workers following disaster: the Oklahoma City Bombing -- Ch. 4. Secondary traumatic stress in case managers working in community mental health services -- Ch. 5. Measuring compassion satisfaction as well as fatigue: developmental history of the Compassion Satisfaction and fatigue Test -- Ch. 6. The Accelerated Recovery Program (ARP) for compassion fatigue -- Ch. 7. Humor as a moderator of compassion fatigue -- Ch. 8. The silencing response in clinical practice: on the road to dialogue -- Ch. 9. Trauma treatment training for Bosnian and Croatian mental health workers -- Ch. 10. Strategies for managing disaster mental health worker stress.
Text of Note
Compassion fatigue is the latest in an evolving concept known in the field of traumatology as Secondary Traumatic Stress, or stress experienced by caregivers. This volume focuses on the assessment, treatment and prevention of compassion fatigue.