Cover -- Preface -- List of Symbols -- Glossary of Some Terms in River Morphology -- Contents -- Chapter 1. Introduction -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Some Problems in River Morphology -- 1.3 Histroical Developments in Fluvial Hydraulics (Garde 1995) -- 1.4 Historical Developments in Geomorphology (Tinkler, 1985) -- 1.5 Scope -- References -- Chapter 2. Drainage Basins and Channel Networks -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Drainage Patterns and Texture -- 2.3 Stream Order -- 2.4 Horton's Laws of Stream Numbers and Stream Lengths
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2.5 Areas of Drainage Basins2.6 Basin Shape -- 2.7 Lithology -- 2.8 Vegetation -- 2.9 Drainage Densities and Stream Frequency -- 2.10 Relief Aspects -- 2.11 Drainage Basin Characteristics and Hydrology -- 2.12 Random Walk Model -- 2.13 Concluding Remarks -- References -- Chapter 3. Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Global Erosion Rates -- 3.3 Types of Erosion -- 3.4 Factors Affecting Erosion -- 3.5 Mechanics of Sheet Erosion -- 3.6 Equations for Predicting Soil Loss from Agricultural Lands -- 3.7 Measurement of Sediment Yield
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3.8 Sediment Delivery Ratio3.9 Process Based Modelling of Erosion -- 3.10 Erosion Rates from Indian Catchments -- References -- Chapter 4. Fluvial Morphology -- 4.1 Geomorphology and Fluvial Morphology -- 4.2 Geomorphic Cycle (Or Cycle of Erosion) -- 4.3 Rejuvenation of Erosion Cycle -- 4.4 Criticism of Geomorphic Cycle -- 4.5 Non-Cyclic Concept of Landscape Evolution -- 4.6 Geological Time Scale -- 4.7 Glaciation -- 4.8 Fluvial Morphology -- 4.9 Topography Produced by Streams -- 4.10 Variables in River Morphology -- 4.11 Neotectonics and Earthquakes
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6.5 Non-Dimensional Relations for Hydraulic Geometry6.6 Flow Around Bends with Rigid and Alluvial Beds -- 6.7 Shear Direction near Curved Stream bed and Bed Topography -- 6.8 Braided Rivers -- 6.9 Meandering -- 6.10 Stability Analysis and Criteria for Plan-Forms -- References -- Chapter 7. Gravel-Bed Rivers -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Data for Gravel-Bed Rivers -- 7.3 Bed Material -- 7.4 Pavement -- 7.5 Hydraulic Geometry -- 7.6 Bed Features in Gravel-Bed Rivers -- 7.7 Resistance to Flow in Gravel-Bed Rivers -- 7.8 Sediment Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers
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RIVER MORPHOLOGY synthesizes the contributions made by geologists, geomorphologists, geographers, hydraulic engineers and hydrologists and presents a coherent text which takes a balanced view about formation on alluvial rivers and their hydraulics, and analysis of their response to natural and man-made disturbances. The text covers discussion about history of fluvial hydraulics and geomorphology, drainage basin characteristics, soil erosion, fluvial morphology, principles of sediment transport and hydraulics of alluvial and gravel-bed rivers, river bed and channel changes, palaeo-hydraulics, analytical and numerical modeling of alluvial stream transients, morphology of some Indian rivers, rivers and environment, and data needs for morphological studies. Inclusion of two chapters on modeling offers valuable tools for quantitative analysis of a number of problems in alluvial stream transients. RIVER MORPHOLOGY should be useful to undergraduate and graduate students in geology and engineering, to those interested in rivers and involved in planning and management of rivers. Contents: Introduction Drainage Basins and Channel Networks Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Fluvial Morphology Hydraulics of Alluvial Streams Hydraulic Geometry and Plan Forms of Alluvial Rivers Gravel-Bed Rivers Fluvial Palaeo-hydrology Bed- Level Variation in Streams River Channel Changes Analytical Models of River Morphology Numerical Models for Morphological Studies Morphology of Some Indian Rivers Rivers and Environment Data Requirements for Morphological Studies.