Front Cover; International Review of Cytology, Volume 26; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Contents of Previous Volumes; Chapter 1. A New Model for the Living Cell : A Summary of the Theory and Recent Experimental Evidence in Its Support; Introduction; I. The Membrane Theory; II. An Interesting Clue in the Search for a Better Model of the Living Cell; III. The Association-Induction Hypothesis; References; Chapter 2. The Cell Periphery; I. Introduction; II. Lipid Bilayers; III. Other Models; IV. Cell Surface Charge; V. Enzyme Activity and the Cell Periphery
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Chapter 6. Some Possible Roles for Isozymic Substitutions during Cold Hardening in PlantsI. Introduction; II. Effects and Prevention of Ice Formation; III. The Effect of Low Temperature on Proteins; IV. Metabolic Imbalance; V. The Hypothesis of lsozymic Substitution; VI. Concluding Remarks; References; Author Index; Subject Index
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VI. ConclusionsReferences; Chapter 5. Stereological Principles for Morphornetry in Electron Microscopic Cytology; I. Introduction; II. Fundamental Stereological Principles; Ill. Application of Stereological Methods to Electron Microscopic Cytology; IV. An Example of Morphometric Characterization of Organelles: The Liver Cell; V. Cytnmorphometric Methods in Experimental Pathology; VI. Problems Arising in Applying Stereological Methods to Anisotropic Systems; VII. Appreciation of Present State and Outlook on Future Possibilities; References
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VI. The Peripheries of Malignant CellsReferences; Chapter 3. Mitochondrial DNA : Physicochemical Properties, Replication, and Genetic Function; I. Introduction; II. Base Composition of Mitochondrial DNA; III. Nearest-Neighbor Frequencies of Mitochondria1 DNA; IV. Differences in Base Composition and Base Sequence of the Complementary Strands of Mitochondrial DNA's; V. Size and Structure of Mitochondrial DNA from Animal Tissues; VI. Size and Structure of Mitochondrial DNA from Plants and Unicellular Organisms; VII. The Amount of Mitochondrial DNA per Mitochondrion and per Cell
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VIII. Replication of Mitochondrial DNAIX. Effects on Yeast Mitochondrial DNA of Anaerobiosis, GIucose Repression, and Mutagenic Agents; X. Recombination of Mitochondrial DNA; XI. Renaturation Studies with Mitochondrial DNA; XII. Evolution of Mitochondrial DNA and the Relation between Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA; XIII. Genetic Function of Mitochondrial DNA; XIV. Addendum; References; Chapter 4. Metabolism of Enucleated Cells; I. Introduction; II. Initiation of the Anucleate State; III . Quantitation of mRNA; IV. Decay of mRNA and Protein Synthesis in Anucleate Cells; V. Nature of mRNA Decay