Noyes series in animal behavior, ecology, conservation, and management
Text of Note
Most of the papers included were originally presented at the 1979 Portland International Wolf Symposium.
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 441-465) and index.
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Ecology of wolves in north-central Minnesota / William E. Berg and David W. Kuehn -- A preliminary study of the social organization of the Vancouver Island wolf (Canis lupus crassodon; Hall, 1932) / Barbara M.V. Scott and David M. Shackleton -- Wolf movements and food habits in northwest Alaska / Robert O. Stephenson and David James -- Winter predation on bison and activity patterns of a wolf pack in Wood Buffalo National Park / Sebastian M. Oosenbrug and Ludwig N. Carbyn -- Preliminary investigations of the Vancouver Island wolf (Canis lupus crassodon) prey relationships / Daryll M. Hebert, John Youds, Rick Davies, Herb Langin, Doug Janz and Gordon W. Smith -- Gray wolf-brown bear relationships in the Nelchina Basin of south-central Alaska / Warren B. Ballard -- Patterns of homesite attendance in two Minnesota wolf packs / Fred H. Harrington and L. David Mech -- Incidence of disease and its potential role in the population dynamics of wolves in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba / Ludwig N. Carbyn -- Wolf ecology and management in the USSR / D.I. Bibikov -- Behavior and structure of an expanding wolf population in Karelia, northern Europe / Erkki Pulliainen -- Winter ecology of a pack of three wolves in northern Sweden / Anders Bjarvall and Erik Isakson -- Wolf management in intensively used areas of Italy / Luigi Boitani -- Wolves in Israel / H. Mendelssohn -- Status, growth and other facets of the Iranian wolf / Paul Joslin -- Monogamy in wolves : a review of the evidence / Fred H. Harrington, Paul C. Paquet, Jenny Ryon and John C. Fentress -- Cooperative rearing of simultaneous litters in captive wolves / Paul C. Paquet, Susan Bragdon and Stephen McCusker -- A long-term study of distributed pup feeding in captive wolves / John C. Fentress and Jenny Ryon -- Reinforcement of cooperative behavior in captive wolves / Charles A. Lyons, Patrick M. Ghezzi and Carl D. Cheney -- Probability learning in captive wolves / Carl D. Cheney -- A wolf pack sociogram / Erik Zimen -- The IUCN-SSC Wolf Specialist Group / L. David Mech -- The apparent extirpation and reappearance of wolves on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska / Rolf O. Peterson and James D. Woolington -- Geographical variation in Alaskan wolves / Sverre Pedersen -- Wolf status in the Northern Rockies / Robert R. Ream and Ursula I. Mattson -- Attitudes of Michigan citizens toward predators / Richard A. Hook and William L. Robinson -- Can the wolf be returned to New York? / Robert E. Henshaw -- Some problems in wolf sociology / Henry S. Sharp -- Nunamiut Eskimos, wildlife biologists and wolves / Robert O. Stephenson.
Text of Note
Most of the papers included were originally presented at the 1979 Portland International Wolf Symposium held in Portland, Oregon.