The biological nature of learning -- An emergent science of learning for the 21st century -- The economy and the learning needs of children -- Learning and schooling are not synonymous -- Scientific schooling for an industrial age -- The struggle of ideas -- Big is better -- The case for working smarter, not just harder -- England: a case study of a one-size-fits-all education system -- Making the leap from instruction and schools to learning and community.
Text of Note
If you believe it is possible for communities, schools, parents, and businesses to come together around helping all children become lifelong learners, then read this book. In The Unfinished Revolution , authors John Abbott and Terry Ryan argue that the so-called crisis in education is really a crisis in childhood and that the unit of change is not the school but rather the larger community. Drawing on their experiences of working with schools, community leaders, researchers, parents, and business leaders in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, the authors show how current models.