Abstracts & keywords; Introduction; Dynamic web pages and the library catalogue; Libraries, copyright and the global digital environment; Searching for NZ information in the virtual library; Access in an increasingly digital world; D-I-Y Interloans: from dream to reality; Developing a digitisation framework for your organisation; Content management helps us to work smarter at Telecom New Zealand; Technology corner; Book reviews; New on the Net; The information society; News; Calendar; Note from the publisher.
Text of Note
The University of Canterbury Library provides access to many electronic resources through its web site. A resource may be linked from several different pages such as alphabetical lists, and subject portals. To reduce problems with maintenance of these links, the decision was made to move to a "dynamic" model, whereby information about electronic resources would be stored in a database, and web pages would be created from that database. One of the key decisions in any such project is the choice of database. The Library decided that instead of creating a new database, it would use the Library Ca.
Libraries-- Automation.
Library science-- Data processing.
COMPUTERS-- Online Services.
COMPUTERS-- System Administration-- Storage & Retrieval.