Includes bibliographical references (pages 215-227) and index.
Text of Note
'Fat cat' pay -- Shareholders' attitude to directors' pay -- Accountability, transparency and performance: comparing annual report disclosures on CEO pay across Europe --Director performance standards and rewards in France -- Developments in top-level compensation in Germany -- Designing reward packages -- Equity incentives -- Remuneration committees -- Human resource strategy and top-level pay.
Text of Note
Top Pay is an extremely topical and contentious area and compensation and benefits is a well-defined area of interest in HR. This book investigates how the field of top pay developed? Why is there so much interest in top pay? Why governments take such an interest? Separation of ownership from control. The issues of Institutional shareholding, globalisation, comparisons between countries, equity theory and government policy are all addressed * A timely resource packed with information, engaging readers in the major debates on Director level reward * Addresses issues such as institutional shareholding, globalization, equity theory and government policy and includes comparisons between countries * Provides practitioners and academics with an informed understanding of the latest developments in top pay and performance.