From the contents Biodiversity gradients in the Alps -- Determining high value areas for steppe birds in Spain -- The Berger?Parker index as an effective tool for monitoring the biodiversity of disturbed soils -- The effects of fire on communities, guilds and species of breeding birds in burnt and control pinewoods in central Italy -- Indicators for plant species richness in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of Germany -- The social negotiation of nature conservation policy -- Identifying new buffer areas for conserving waterbirds in the Mediterranean basin -- Impact of wind turbines on birds in Zeebrugge (Belgium) -- The Iberian ibex is under an expansion trend but displaced to suboptimal habitats by the presence of extensive goat livestock in central Spain -- Testing indicators of epiphytic lichen diversity -- Analysis and evaluation of ecosystem resilience -- Natural oak forest vs. ancient pine plantations -- Tracking the effects of one century of habitat loss and fragmentation on calcareous grassland butterfly communities.
Text of Note
This book brings together a selection of original studies submitted to Biodiversity and Conservation that address biodiversity and conservation in Europe. Europe is certainly the most intensively inventoried region of the world; detailed maps are available for species distributions while action plans are being drawn up for species under threat. At the same time, the wildlife of Europe has been subject to enormous human pressures, with limited 'wilderness' sites remaining in most countries. Europe consequently presents a case-study of what the human impact on biodiversity has been, and also what can be done to improve the situation. The contributions in this volume are drawn from a wide range of countries and discuss diverse organism and habitat types. They collectively provide a snap-shot of the sorts of studies and actions being taken in Europe to address issues in biodiversity and conservation - topical examples that will make the volume especially valuable for use in conservation biology courses. Reprinted from Biodiversity and Conservation, volume 16:12 (2007).