edited by David Held and Henrietta L. Moore with Kevin Young.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Oxford :
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Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
viii, 418 pages ;
25 cm
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Introduction : cultural futures / David Held and Henrietta L. Moore -- Part I. Culture and the public domain. The problem of culture / Henrietta L. Moore -- The capacity to aspire : culture and the terms of recognition / Arjun Appadurai -- Notes on globalisation and ambivalence / Homi K. Bhabha -- Culture and captivit / Amartya Sen -- Realistic cosmopolitanism : how do societies handle otherness? / Ulrich Beck -- Religious tolerance : the pacemaker for cultural rights / Jurgen Habermas -- Part II. Cultural technologies and social transformations. Global immediacy / John Tomlinson -- Glimpsing God in the Internet / Don Slater -- The politics of culture and culture as politics / Danny Schechter -- Navigating digital geographies / Augustus Casely-Hayford -- Martin Heidegger goes to the movies / John Hutnyk -- Part III. The crisis of liberalism and secularism. Liberalism, secularism and the challenge of religion : is there a crisis? / Paul Kelly -- The problem of oppressive cultures / Kok-Chor Tan -- Cultures and religions of liberalism in a global era / Pheng Cheah -- National identity versus cosmopolitan identity / Montserrat Guibernau -- Cultural diversity, cosmopolitan principles and the limits of sovereignty / David Held -- Part IV. Soft power and the question of 'Americanisation'. Culture, soft power, and 'Americanization' / Joseph S. Nye, Jr. -- Calling all patriots : the cosmopolitan appeal of Americanism / Anne-Marie Slaughter and Thomas Hale -- Can Hollywood still rule the world? / Janet Wasko -- Race, rice and the info-war / Paul Gilroy -- Hard times for soft power? America and the Atlantic community / Michael Cox and Adam Quinn -- Part V. Interpretive communities. The world is not flat / Akbar S. Ahmed -- Ritual economy and rural capitalism with Chinese characteristics / Mayfair Mei-hui Yang -- Cosmopolitan contamination / Kwame Anthony Appiah -- On global measures of culture : a view from India / Kriti Kapila -- Culture, reconciliation and community building : lessons from South Africa / Njongonkulu Ndungane -- Cultural diversity and integration in the European Union / James Tully -- Part VI. Markets, corporations and ethics. Business and global health in an era of globalization : reflections on public/private partnerships as a cultural innovation / Jeffrey L. Sturchio -- Pharmaceuticals, healthcare and anomalies of the patent system / Yusuf Hamied -- Future making : corporate performativity and the temporal politics of markets / Georgina Born -- Globalisation and threats to the West / Will Hutton -- Cultural transformations : financial markets and corporate governance / Howard Davies -- Part VII. The production of new desires and subjectivities. Living in Utopia / Zygmunt Bauman -- New subjectivities? / Darian Leader -- Displacement in Zion : modern subjectivities on the move / Jacqueline Rose -- Lost and found / Doreen Baingana -- Productive anticipation / Irit Rogoff and Florian Schneider -- Subjectivity in times of abundance of choice / Renata Salecl -- Fashioning the late modern body : the democratisation of beauty / Susie Orbach.
Text of Note
Examines the question, 'What is the future of culture in the age of globalization?' This work features essays that aim to represent a major theoretical and methodological challenge to the social sciences, and question the nature of globalization and the culture of change.