Includes bibliographical references (pages 289-310) and index.
Text of Note
1. Musculoskeletal problems : Prevalence ; Health care ; The site of the problems ; Natural history and clinical course ; Systematic reviews of commonly used treatments ; The problems of diagnosis -- 2. Soft tissue properties : Tissue injury ; Recovery following trauma ; Failure to remodel repair tissue ; Degenerated tissue in which healing is suspended ; The effects of stress deprivation and exercise on connective tissue ; Factors restricting a normal return to function ; Cumulative postural stresses on musculoskeletal tissue ; Contractile tissue loading ; Clinical implications ; Sir Astley Cooper's engravings -- 3. Pain : Pain and nociception ; Sources of pain ; Activation of nociceptors ; Differentiating between chemical and mechanical pain ; Constant pain: chemical cause (constant chemical irritation) ; Constant pain: mechanical cause (constant tissue deformation) ; Intermittent pain: mechanical cause (intermittent tissue deformation) ; Failure to remodel repair tissue ; Derangement ; Chronic pain states -- 4. Mechanical diagnosis : The medical model ; The role of diagnosis in musculoskeletal problems ; Making a non-specific diagnosis ; Non-mechanical conditions -- 5. History : Aims of history-taking ; The interview -- 6. Physical examination : Aims of physical examination ; Neurological examination ; Conclusions -- 7. Assessment of symptomatic and mechanical presentations and responses : Symptomatic presentation ; Mechanical presentation and its assessment ; Assessment of the symptomatic presentation ; Use of symptom responses to determine loading strategies ; Chronic pain ; Review process -- 8. Patient management : Education component of management ; Active mechanical therapy component ; Compliance or therapeutic alliance? ; To treat or not to treat? -- 9. Management and self-treatment : Normal tissues, abnormal stresses: postural syndrome ; Acute presentations ; Sub-acute presentations ; Chronic presentations ; Therapist techniques and passive modalities ; Clinician procedures ; Passive modalities -- 10. Common disorders : The spine and peripheral joint problems ; Rotator cuff tendonitis ; Capsulitis of the gleno-huymeral joint ('frozen shoulder') ; Lateral epicondylitis ('tennis elbow') ; 'Pseudo' tennis elbow or elbow derangement ; Carpal tunnel syndrome ; Tenosynovitis: de Quervain's syndrome, ('trigger finger') ; Dupuytren's contracture ; Bursitis ; Overuse injuries ; 'Groin strain' or adductor strain ; Achilles' tendon injuries ; Patellofemoral joint pain ; Degenerative joint conditions/osteoarthritis ; Lateral ankle sprains -- 11. Clinical reasoning : Elements that inform the process of clinical reasoning ; Errors in clinical reasoning ; An example of clinical reasoning.
Text of Note
Authors Robin McKenzie and Stephen May draw upon their experience in mechanical disorders to provide clinicians with techniques to successfully treat extremity musculoskeletal conditions such as: repetitive strain injury, tennis elbow and general physical dysfunction. Applying these techniques can empower patients to assist in their return to health. Concepts are presented in a straightforward manner with over 107 photographs, illustrations and diagrams. (Product Description.)