1. The meaning of property -- 2. Of property / John Locke -- 3. The origin of inequality / Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- 4. Security and equality of property / Jeremy Bentham -- 5. Bourgeois property and capitalist accumulation / Karl Marx -- Of property / John Stuart Mill -- 7. The right of the state in regard to property / Thomas Hill Green -- 8. The natural right of investment / Thorstein Veblen -- 9. Property and creative work / R.H. Tawney -- 10. Property and sovereignty / Morris Cohen -- 11. The new property / Charles A. Reich -- 12. Liberal-democracy and property.
Text of Note
The legitimate role of the state in relation to property and the justification of property institutions of various kinds are matters of increasing concern in the modern world. Political and social theorists, jurists, economists, and historians have taken positions for and against the property institutions upheld in their time by the state, and further dehate seems inevitable. This book brings together ten classic statements which set out the main arguments that are now appealed to and places them in historical and critical perspective. -- Amazon.com.