Risk and risk assessment / N. Moreland and A. Adams -- Lessons from anaesthetic audits and epidemiological studies / R. Sharma, C. Dunkley, and I. McConachie -- Assessment of cardiovascular risk / N. Moreland and A. Adams -- Perioperative use of cardiac medications in the high-risk patient / C. Railton -- Pharmaco-physiological approaches to the high-risk surgical patient / M. Cutts -- Respiratory risk and complications / J. Granton -- Analgesia for the high-risk patient / C. Clarke and P. Morley-Forster -- Regional anaesthesia for the high-risk patient / S. Dhir -- Anemia, coagulopathy, and blood transfusion / I. McConachie -- The obese or malnourished patient / S. Balasubramanian and P.S. Hegde -- Smoking, alcohol, and recreational drug abuse / G. Evans and I. McConachie -- Identification of the deteriorating patient in the perioperative period / P. Dean, J. Cupitt, and I. McConachie -- Perioperative renal insufficiency and failure / R. Kishen -- The critically ill patient undergoing surgery / I. McConachie -- The elderly patient / S. Vaughan, I. McConachie, and N. Imasogie -- The patient with cardiac disease undergoing noncardiac surgery / C. Harle -- Vascular surgery / D. Sebastian and I. McConachie -- Gastrointestinal surgery / P. Jones and T. Turkstra.
Text of Note
Discusses all common high risk situations and patients likely to be encountered in anesthetic practice, providing practical advice on pre-, intra- and post-operative management for both elective and emergency surgery. The introductory section gives background information on risks and complications, enabling the reader to accurately and quickly assess patients. Emphasis is placed on cardiovascular risk, cardiac disease, and cardiac management, but all key risks are assessed. The second section covers specific surgical scenarios such as the critically ill patient, the elderly patient, and those with cardiac co-morbidities. [From back cover].
Anesthesia-- Complications, Handbooks, manuals, etc.