"This book contains an edited version of the lectures and selected contributions presented during the Advanced Summer Institute on 'Product Engineering: Eco-Design, Technologies and Green Energy' organized at the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) in the period 14-21st of July 2004"--Page [ix].
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Text of Note
Cover -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- List of participants -- Introduction -- Part 1 ECO-DESIGN -- INVITED LECTURES -- The design for environmental compliance workbench tool -- Eco-Impact anticipation by parametric screening of machine system components: An Introduction to the EcoPaS Methodology -- Man machine interaction and man machine interface -- critical issues for the human environment -- Integrating eco-design into business environments -- Virtual environments -- The eco-friendly approach to product design? -- CONTRIBUTIONS -- A TRIZ approach to design for environment -- Eco-design approach for the tripode type coupling -- Natural shapes ... a source of inspiration for eco -- design -- Part 2 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN -- INVITED LECTURES -- On some crucial issues of computer support of conceptual design: What to consider in order to be successful -- Expert system for the total design of mechanical systems with gears -- CONTRIBUTIONS -- Virtual design prototyping utilizing haptic immersion -- A new geometry representation for multipurpose modeling in conceptual design -- Part 3 SIMULATION TECHNOLOGIES -- INVITED LECTURES -- An overview of several formulations for multibody dynamics -- Dynamic models in multi-body systems: A product life cycle key technology -- Real-time MBS formulations: towards virtual engineering -- Multi-body dynamics: an evolution from constrained dynamics to a multiphysics interactive framework -- CONTRIBUTIONS -- A collaborative simulation environment for multibody system analysis -- Design evaluation of multibody systems in virtual environment -- Spiral elevator modelling and analysis using ADAMS software -- A new model to estimate friction torque in a ball screw system -- Part 4 ROBOTICS AND MANUFACTURING -- INVITED LECTURES -- Translational parallel robots with uncoupled motions: A structural synthesis approach -- Design of new high speed machining machines -- CONTRIBUTIONS -- High degree accuracy modelling and calibration of serial robots with large errors -- Application of image analysis for the study of structural modifications in flowing emulsions: Theoretical approach and practical application -- The manufacture technology of tube models by selective laser sintering -- Mobile robot system controlled through mobile communications -- Part 5 GREEN ENERGY -- INVITED LECTURES -- Optimization of the wind generation: comparison between two algorithms -- Design and determination of the most cost effective PV configuration systems to meet the loads of a household -- CONTRIBUTIONS -- The Spanish electric power generation sector and its positioning before Kyoto protocol -- Helical turbine for aeolian systems and micro-hydrostation.
Text of Note
This book contains an edited version of the lectures and selected contributions presented during the Advanced Summer Institute on "Product Engineering: Eco-Design, Technologies and Green Energy" organized at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, July 14-21, 2004. In the last few decades Product Engineering has become a multidisciplinary field including aspects from a wide range of scientific areas. Aspects related to eco-design, aesthetic style, human factors and ergonomics are now critical issues for the success of a product on the market. It has been shown that these apparently separate fields of research belong to the same multidisciplinary mainstream of Product Engineering and cannot progress unless an integrated approach is adopted. New advances are now likely to produce changes in the entire product life cycle chain. This is often illustrated within this book by similar methodologies used for different goals, e.g. the Virtual Engineering techniques in general, which are multi-purpose technologies or the recent interest raised by the particle based models for CAD and simulation purposes. The volume is divided into five main parts, covering the topics of Eco-Design, Computer Aided Design, Simulation Technologies, Robotics and Manufacturing and Green Energy. Audience: This work will be of interest to a wide range of readers, from students to graduates, and from industrial experts to researchers active in the field of Product Engineering.