Includes bibliographical references (page 210) and index.
Text of Note
How to approach speaking and listening through drama. How to begin with teacher in role ; How to begin planning drama ; How to generate quality speaking and listening : authentic dialogue--teacher and pupil talk with a difference ; How to use drama for inclusion and citizenship ; How to generate empathy in a drama ; How to link history and drama ; How to begin using assessment of speaking and listening (and other English skills) through drama -- The dramas. 'The wild thing' : based on Where the wild things are by Maurice Sendak ; 'Daedalus and Icarus' : based on the Greek legend ; 'The snow queen' : based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen ; 'Charlie' : based on Voices in the park by Anthony Browne ; 'The Massai boy' ; 'The governor's child' : based on The Caucasian chalk circle by Bertolt Brecht ; 'The highwayman' : based on the poem by Alfred Noyes ; 'The Victorian street children' ; 'The workhouse' ; 'The Egyptians' ; 'Macbeth' : based on the play by William Shakespeare ; 'Ebenezer Scrooge' : based on A Christmas carol by Charles Dickens ; 'Christopher Boone' : based on The curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon ; 'The dream' : based on A midsummer night's dream by William Shakespeare.
Text of Note
Showing teachers how to use drama to promote speaking and listening for pupils, including those who find learning difficult, this book describes, analyzes and teaches how to use role play effectively and looks at how to generate a productive dialogue between teachers and pupils that is both powerful and enabling. The authors present innovative methods for teaching across the curriculum which are genuinely inclusive and can help to motivate reluctant learners. The 'how to' section of the book describes a range of strategies and approaches, and the second section includes full lesson plans that.