Defining the world : Definitions and history ; The earth ; Continents and Islands ; High, low, big, small, and wondrous ; Human civilization ; People and countries -- Maps : History and instruments ; Latitude and longitude ; Reading and using maps ; Modern mapping -- The physical environment : The Earth's materials and internal processes ; Natural resources ; Landscapes and ecosystems ; Asteroids and near Earth objects -- Water and ice : Oceans and seas ; Rivers and lakes ; Precipitation ; Glaciers and fjords ; Controlling water -- Climate : Definitions ; The atmosphere ; Ozone ; Climactic trends ; Weather ; Wind -- Hazards and disasters : Volcanoes ; Earthquakes ; Tsunamis ; Hurricanes ; Floods ; Tornadoes ; Lightning ; Other hazards and disasters -- Transportation and urban geography : Cities and suburbs ; Urban structures ; Air transportation ; Roads and railways ; Sea transportation -- Political geography : Colonies and expansionism ; The United Nations ; NATO and the Cold War ; The world today ; The world economy -- Cultural geography : Population ; Language and religion ; Dealing with hazards ; Cultures around the world -- Time, calendars, and seasons : Time zones ; Daylight savings time ; Keeping time ; Calendars ; The seasons -- Exploration : Europe and Asia ; Africa ; The new world ; The poles -- United States of America : Physical features and resources ; The states ; Cities and counties ; People and culture ; History -- North and Central America : Greenland and the North Pole Region ; Canada ; Mexico ; Central America ; The West Indies -- South America : Physical features and resources ; History ; People, countries, and cities -- Western Europe : Physical features and resources ; History ; People, countries, and cities -- Russia and Eastern Europe : Russia and the former Soviet States ; Eastern Europe -- Asia : China and Middle Asia ; The Indian subcontinent ; Japan and the Korean Peninsula ; Southeast Asia ; The Philippines and Indonesia -- Middle East : The land and history ; Religion ; Conflicts and nations People, countries, and cities -- Africa : Physical features and resources ; History ; People, countries, and cities -- Oceania and Antarctica : Oceania ; Australia ; New Zealand ; Antarctica -- Countries of the world -- Maps of the world.
Text of Note
Answers more than one thousand commonly asked geography questions, arranged by topic, such as climate, water and ice, exploration, cultural geography, and others.