Cover -- Contents -- About the Author -- About the Technical Reviewer -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- CHAPTER 1 Introducing OSGi -- OSGi Concepts and Architecture -- Javas Virtual Machine, Java Classes, and the CLASSPATH Variable -- The OSGi Bundle -- The OSGi Framework -- OSGi Hello World Application -- Prerequisites and Downloads -- Your First OSGi Bundles -- The Http Service OSGi Bundle -- OSGi Bundle for the Web -- Updating OSGi Bundles -- OSGi Hello World Application Conclusions -- Summary -- CHAPTER 2 Introducing Spring -- Spring Concepts and Architecture -- Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection -- Plain Old Java Objects -- Spring Portfolio -- Spring Hello World Application -- Prerequisites and Downloads -- The Domain Model -- Persisting the Domain Model with JPA -- Testing Your Domain Model -- Using Springs MVC -- Deploying on the Web -- Summary -- CHAPTER 3 Integrating Spring and OSGi -- OSGis Synergy with Spring -- Layers of Integration -- Application Design: Services and Beans -- Application Packaging: Dependencies -- Application Servers: Classpath Loaders -- OSGi and Spring Hello World Application -- Prerequisites and Downloads -- The Domain Model -- Web Application -- Deploying Spring-OSGi Bundles -- Summary -- CHAPTER 4 Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi -- Extenders and Fragments in Spring-DM -- Registering OSGi Services Through Spring-DM -- Locating OSGi Services Through Spring-DM -- OSGi Bundle Activities with Spring-DM -- OSGi Fragments with Spring-DM -- Summary -- CHAPTER 5 SpringSource dm Server -- Benefits -- OSGi Deployment in the Enterprise -- Spring, OSGi, and Java Integration -- Java EE Native and Shared Library WAR Support -- Tooling and Administration Support -- Concepts and Architecture -- Deployment Units -- Libraries -- Directory Structure -- SpringSource dm Server Hello World Application -- Prerequisites and Downloads -- Application Classes -- Application Bundles, Manifests, and Descriptors -- Building and Deploying the Application -- Summary -- CHAPTER 6 Versioning with OSGi and Spring -- Benefits and Concepts -- OSGi Package Versioning Behaviors -- OSGi Service Versioning Behaviors -- OSGi Bundle Versioning Behaviors -- OSGi Fragment Versioning Behaviors -- OSGi Spring-DM and SpringSource dm Server Versioning Behaviors -- Summary -- CHAPTER 7 Data Access and Bundle Management Without SpringSource dm Server -- Access to RDBMSs -- Introducing the BND Tool -- Hello World Application Revisited Without the SpringSource dm Server: Data Access and Apache Ivy -- Prerequisites and Downloads -- Building and Deploying the Application -- Summary -- CHAPTER 8 Web Applications Using Spring and OSGi -- Web Bundle Concepts -- Using Different Web Containers -- Overriding the Default Extender Value -- Bootstrapping the Web Container -- Using the Jetty Web Container -- Using SSL/TLS with OSGi -- Setting Up SSL in Apache Tomcat -- Creating a JKS Keystore -- Fulfilling Apache Tomcats SSL Dependencies -- Creating the SSL Configuration Fragment -- Installing the Fragment -- Using Flex with OSGi -- Laying Out a Flex User Interface -- Calling Back to the Server -- Configuring OSGi and Flex -- Summary.
Text of Note
"Spring and OSGi's features are a natural fit; they are orthogonal to each other: OSGi is about packaging, deployment, and versioning issues, while Spring is about providing the necessary foundation to wire up Java classes in their most basic form using dependency injection and aspect orientation to fulfill an application's purpose." "Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi Service Platforms by Daniel Rubio is the first book to cover OSGi as practically implemented by the world's most popular, agile, and open source enterprise Java framework, Spring."--Jacket.
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Pro Spring dynamic modules for OSGi service platforms.