A collection of essays, biographies, and Nobel lectures, by and about ten Nobel laureates: V.S. Naipaul, Nadine Gordimer, Derek Walcott, Naguib Mahfouz, Patrick White, Ernest Hemingway, Grazia Deledda, Amartya Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Nelson Mandela.
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 233-262).
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Introduction; V.S. Naipaul Two Worlds; V.S. Naipaul The Enigma of Arrival; Nadine Gordimer Writing and Being; Endnotes; Per Wastberg Nadine Gordimer and the South African Experience; Warrior of the Imagination; Geiger Counter of Apartheid; Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress; Race and Gender; The Novel as History; Love and Politics; A Dialogue with the Future; The Search for Identity; Characters; The Truth of Fiction; The Writer's Mission; Joran Mjoberg A Single, Homeless, Circling Satellite -- Derek Walcott; Background and Youth; The Search for an Identity; Explorers.
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Alighting in a Nordic Winter Night in 1927The Private and the Public; A Life in Books; Sardinia, a Land Apart; Childhood Gifts; Early Joys, Early Sorrows; Teenage Love Stories; Family Tragedies; Life Is a River; The Lot of Elias; "To be reduced to ashes"; "We are like reeds in the wind"; Influences and Rebuffs; "All roads lead to the human heart"; Amartya Sen -- Autobiography; Identity and Violence; Calcutta and Its Debates; Cambridge As a Battleground; Philosophy and Economics; Delhi School of Economics; From Delhi to London and Oxford; From Social Choice to Inequality and Poverty.
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Poverty, Famines and DeprivationHarvard and Beyond; India and Bangladesh; From Campus to Campus; Amartya Sen Tagore and His India; Voice of Bengal; The Mystic; Confluence of Cultures; Abode of Peace; Gandhi and Tagore; East and West; God and Others; Reasoning in Freedom; Celibacy and Personal Life; Science and the People; Nationalism and Colonialism; Critique of Patriotism; Admiration and Criticism of Japan; International Concerns; Education and Freedom; India Today; On Cultural Separation; Endnotes; Anders Hallengren Nelson Mandela and the Rainbow of Culture; Equality and Pluralism.
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The Dramatic WorkDream on Monkey Mountain; From Seville to Babylon; The "Homeric" Works; Omeros; The Odyssey; Derek Walcott The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory; Anders Hallengren Naguib Mahfouz -- The Son of Two Civilizations; The Arabic Renaissance and the Rise of the Egyptian Novel; Mahfouz's Perennial Quest; The Pertinence of the Past; Power and Social Issues; The Children of Gebelawi; The Enigmatic and the Absurd; The Court of Osiris; Who Was Akhenaten?; Patrick White Autobiography; Karin Hansson Patrick White -- Existential Explorer; The Nobel Prize; European or Australian?
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The First PhaseThe Aunt's Story and The Tree of Man; The Second Phase; Voss, Riders in the Chariot, and The Solid Mandala; The Third Phase; The Vivisector and The Eye of the Storm; The Last Phase; A Fringe of Leaves and The Twyborn Affair; An Existential Pessimist; Anders Hallengren A Case of Identity: Ernest Hemingway; Hemingway in Our Time; The "Hard-boiled" Style; The Unwritten Code; Hemingway's Near-Death Experience; The Coyote and the Leopard; Merging Gender in Eden; The Father in the Garden; Maji-Maji and Mau Mau; Anders Hallengren Voice of Sardegna -- Grazia Deledda.
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In this collection of essays, biographies and Nobel lectures, tenNobel Laureates from five continents give various and startlingperspectives on current questions about modernity and tradition, unityand diversity, integration, identity, integrity, gender and sexualroles in a multicultural world of change. It is also a book onself-confidence and presents different ways to self-knowledge andcultural individuality. Published in print for the first time, thesestudies and penetrating observations on topical issues, written byleading authors and intellectuals from many distant countries, make upone o.
Nobel laureates in search of identity & integrity.