Random walks in polymer physics / Erich Eisenriegler -- Random walks in field theory / Andreas Pordt -- Polymer expansion in particle physics / Andreas Pordt -- Polymers, spin models and field theory / Bo Sd̈erberg -- Reaction-diffusion mechanisms and quantum spin systems / Gunter M. Schütz -- Bosonization in particle physics / Dietmar Ebert -- Hadronization in particle physics / Dietmar Ebert -- The hybrid Monte Carlo algorthim for quantum chromodynamics / Thomas Lippert -- The hybrid Monte Carlo method for polymer chains / Anders Irbäck -- Simulations of Toy proteins / Anders Irbäck -- Two lectures on phase mixing : nucleation and symmetry restoration / Marcelo Gleiser -- Neural networks and confidence limit estimates / Bernd A. Berg and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu -- The Gross-Neveu model and QCDs chiral phase transition / Thomas Reisz -- The TBA, the Gross-Neveu model, and polyacetylene / Alan Chodos and Hisakazu Minakata -- Solitons in polacetylene / Siegmar Roth.