" ... reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, volume 94, pp. 8273-8377, 1997 ... National Academy of Sciences' Colloquium on Carbon Dioxide and Climate change, held in Irvine, California, November 13-15, 1995"--Page 2 of cover.
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Includes bibliographical references.
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -- Contents -- Climate change and carbon dioxide: An introduction -- Tribute to Roger Revelle and his contribution to studies of carbon dioxide and climate change -- Scripps and the War Years -- The Scripps Directorship -- The Heady Expedition Days -- Greenhouse -- THE MOHOLE PROJECT -- Ocean Leadership -- Building the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), 1954�1961 -- The Exile -- Coming Home -- A Personal Appreciation
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Computational Method for Time�Space InterpolationTests for the Interpolated Values -- Distribution of the CO2 Sink/Source Over the Global Oceans -- Summary and Conclusions -- Characteristics of the deep ocean carbon system during the past 150,000 years:CO2 distributions, deep water flow patterns, � -- LGM Nutrient Distribution in Deep Waters of Major Ocean Basins: A Brief Overview -- Rapid Climate Variability in the North Atlantic -- Concluding Remarks -- Direct observation of the oceanic CO2 increase revisited -- Background -- Concepts -- Errors and Sensitivity
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Equilibration of the terrestrial water, nitrogen, and carbon cyclesModel and Methods -- Equilibration of Nitrogen and Water Limitations -- Conclusions -- Potential responses of soil organic carbon to global environmental change -- The Nature of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) -- Tools to Study SOM -- Prediction of the Response of Soil C to Global Change -- Conclusions -- Global air-sea flux of CO2: An estimate based on measurements of sea�air pCO2 difference -- Measurements -- Adjustments and Resampling of the Data
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Oceanic ExampleConclusion -- The observed global warming record: What does it tell us? -- Data Sets -- Anthropogenic Causes of Global Warming -- Natural Causes of Global Warming -- Conclusions -- Possible forcing of global temperature by the oceanic tides -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Air Temperature Analysis and Sunspots -- 3. A Proposed Mechanism for Lunisolar Tidal Forcing -- 4. Periodicities of the Oceanic Tides -- 5. Lunisolar Tides as a Forcing Agent of Temperature -- 6. Further Implications of the Tidal Hypothesis -- 7. Discussion and Conclusions
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Spectrum of l00-kyr glacial cycle: Orbital inclination, not eccentricityClimate Proxy Records -- Orbital Inclination: An Alternative 100-kyr Cycle -- Bispectra -- Linking Mechanisms -- Discussion -- Can increasing carbon dioxide cause climate change? -- Current Forecasts -- Observational Determinations of Climate Sensitivity -- The Nature of Past Climate Change -- Conclusion -- Gases in ice cores -- Physics of Gases in Glaciers -- Reconstructions of the Anthropogenic Transient from Ice Core and Firn Air Chemistry
National Academy of Sciences Colloquium: Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change.