Cover -- TOC36;Contents -- Introduction -- CH36;1 Getting Started with Word -- Starting Word -- Viewing the Word Window -- Using the Ribbon -- Choosing Commands -- Working with Toolbars -- Choosing Dialog Box Options -- Using the Status Bar -- Using Task and Window Panes -- Opening an Existing Document -- Opening Files of Different Types -- Converting an Existing Document -- Changing Document Views -- Reading a Document -- Getting Help While You Work -- Saving a Document -- Saving a Document with Different Formats -- Checking Compatibility -- Documenting Properties -- Zooming the View In and Out -- Getting Updates on the Web -- Recovering a Document -- Diagnosing and Repairing Problems -- Closing a Document and Exiting Word -- CH36;2 Working with Simple Documents -- Creating a Blank Document -- Creating a New Document From an Existing One -- Creating a Document Using a Template -- Creating a Letter or Memo -- Setting Up the Page -- Moving and Resizing Document Windows -- Working with Multiple Documents -- Moving Around in a Document -- Selecting Text -- Editing Text -- Copying and Moving Text -- Finding and Replacing Text -- Inserting Hyphens -- Inserting Information the Smart Way -- Correcting Text Automatically -- Undoing and Redoing an Action -- CH36;3 Formatting Documents -- Formatting Text -- Formatting Text for Emphasis -- Changing Character Spacing -- Selecting Text with Similar Formatting -- Finding and Replacing Formatting -- Finding and Replacing Custom Formatting -- Changing Paragraph Alignment -- Changing Line Spacing -- Displaying Rulers -- Setting Paragraph Tabs -- Setting Paragraph Indents -- Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists -- Applying Borders and Shading -- Hiding Text -- CH36;4 Using Templates44; Styles44; and Themes -- Creating a Template -- Opening a Template -- Changing a Template -- Applying a Quick Style -- Changing a Style Set -- Creating and Modifying Styles -- Managing Styles -- Revealing Formatting Styles -- Using a Format Painter -- Adding Custom Colors -- Understanding Themes -- Viewing and Applying a Theme -- Creating Theme Colors -- Choosing Theme Fonts -- Choosing Theme Effects -- Creating a Custom Theme -- Choosing a Custom Theme -- CH36;5 Adding Graphics and Multimedia to Documents -- Locating and Inserting Clip Art -- Inserting a Picture -- Adding a Quick Style to a Picture -- Adding a Shape to a Picture -- Applying a Border to a Picture -- Applying Picture Effects -- Modifying Picture Size -- Compressing a Picture -- Modifying Picture Brightness and Contrast -- Recoloring a Picture -- Cropping and Rotating a Picture -- Creating WordArt Text -- Formatting WordArt Text -- Applying WordArt Text Effects -- Modifying WordArt Text Position -- Creating SmartArt Graphics -- Using the Text Pane with SmartArt Graphics -- Formatting a SmartArt Graphic -- Modifying a SmartArt Graphic -- Creating an Organization Chart -- Modifying an Organization Chart -- CH36;6 Adding Tables and Charts to Documents -- Creating a Table -- Entering Text in a Table -- Sorting Table or Lists -- Modifying a Table -- Adjusting Table Cells -- Aligning Table Cells -- T$10.
Text of Note
Word 2007 is a powerful, word processing software program that is part of the Microsoft Office suite of products. Core Word 2007 features will be covered in Microsoft Word 2007 On Demand such as using SmartArt Diagram, Building Blocks, and Document Themes. The book also includes coverage on converting your documents to PDF, sharing document using SharePoint, customizing the Quick Access Toolbar and Status Bar, creating a blog directly from Word 2007, and more. Microsoft Word 2007 On Demand includes a NEW features icon that highlights what's new in Word 2007, troubleshooting guide is included to help solve common problems, and a workshop section in the back of the book has projects for the readers to perform to help learn specific tools and skills. The Web site contains additional Word projects to get you even more acclimated with Word's powerful tools and to fine tune your Word skills. Readers can also use this book to help them prepare for taking the Microsoft Office Specialist exam. Throughout the book, content that pertains to an MOS objective is identified with a Microsoft Office Specialist logo and objective number.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Safari Books Online
Stock Number
Microsoft Office Word 2007 on demand.
International Standard Book Number
Parallel Title
Word 2007 on demand
Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word.
Word processing.
Book Studies & Arts.
COMPUTERS-- Desktop Applications-- Word Processing.