Includes bibliographical references (pages 142-154) and index.
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Executive Summary-- 1 -- Definitions-- Names and structures-- Physico-Chemical Properties-- Solubility vs. chain length-- Partitioning (Kow) and sediment associations-- Summary-- 2 -- Biological Synthesis-- Type I Fatty Acid Synthesis-- Unsaturated chains-- Type II Fatty Acid Synthase-- Unsaturated Compounds-- Branched chains-- Fatty Acid Degradation-- Fatty Acyl-CoA Reductase (FAR)-- Synthesis from carbohydrates (Copepods)-- Summary-- 3 -- Occurrence in Biota-- Bacteria-- Chlorophyll side chain (phytol)-- Marine Plants-- Terrestrial Plant Waxes-- Mosses and other peat forming plants-- Marine animals-- Insects-- Birds-- Summary-- 4 -Consumer and Cosmetic Product Uses and Production-- Introduction-- Detergent Alcohols Manufacture-- Oleochemical based alcohols-- Oleochemical Fatty Alcohols-- Petrochemical based alcohols-- Internal Olefins-- Conventional OXO Alcohols Based on Internal Olefins-- Alcohols based on Ethylene-- Ziegler Ethylene Growth Process-- Ziegler Alcohols-- Modified OXO Alcohols-- SHOP (Shell Higher Olefin Process)?-Olefins-- SHOP Internal Olefins and Modified OXO Alcohols-- Summary-- Detergent Formulations-- 5 -- Environmental Transformations-- Metabolism of Fatty Alcohols-- Natural degradation-- Short chain moieties-- Long chain moieties-- Degradation Rate Constants-- Phytol degradation-- Effect of chemical associations on transformation rates-- "Natural" fatty alcohols in STPs-- Anthropogenic fatty alcohols in STPs-- Summary-- 6 -- Analytical methods-- Overview of Methods-- Methods for analysis of free fatty alcohols (and ethoxylates)-- Environmental Samples-- Inter-laboratory comparisons-- Summary-- 7 -- Environmental Concentrations-- The Marine Environment-- Victoria Harbour, BC -- Estuarine Surface Sediments-- Concepcion Bay, Chile and San Vicente Bay, Chile-- Rio de Janeiro -- surface sediments in a contaminated bay-- Ria Formosa lagoon -- surface sediments-- Ria Formosa lagoon -- suspended and settled sediments-- Ria Formosa lagoon -- shallow core from intertidal sediments-- Eastern North Atlantic-- San Miguel Gap, California -- long marine core-- Rio Grande Rise (516F of leg 72 ODP), Brazil-- Falkland Plateau (511 of leg 71 ODP), S. Atlantic-- Guatemalan Basin (Legs 66 & 67 ODP), Central America-- Continental slope, SW of Taiwan-- East China Sea, N of Taiwan-- The Terrestrial Environment-- Pasture land, Southern Australia-- Prairie Zone soils, Alberta, Canada-- UK Studies-- Conwy Estuary -- Estuarine Core (50 cm)-- Mawddach Estuary -- surface sediments-- The Menai Strait -- surface sediments-- Loch Riddon, Scotland -- mid-length marine core-- Clyde Sea, Scotland -- surface sediments-- Loe Pool, Cornwall -- coastal lake-- Bolton Fell Moss, Cumbria -- mire-- Lochnagar, Scotland -- mountain lake-- Loch Eil, Scotland -- a marine core and Loch Lochy, Scotland -- a freshwater core-- Summary-- 8 -- Using Fatty Alcohols as Biomarkers-- Stable Isotopes-- 13C Composition-- 2H Composition-- Bacterial Biomass-- Marine Fauna-- Terrestrial Plants-- Photosynthetic Activity-- 9 -- Multivariate Statistics-- Chemometric methods of use with fatty alcohols-- PCA-- PLS-- 10 -- Environmental and Human Safety Aspects of Fatty Alcohols-- Physical Chemistry Relevant to Safety Assessments-- OECD SIAR-- Summary-- Physical-Chemical Overview from the OECD SIAR-- Conclusions for Characterizing the OECD Long Chain Alcohols Category-- Human Health and Risk-- Uses and Products-- Hazards for Human Health-- Exposure Characterization for Human Health-- Risk Characterization for Human Health-- Environmental Risk-- Pathways of Environmental Exposure-- Environmental Effects-- Measurements of Exposure for the Purpose of Environmental Risk Assessment-- Risk Characterization in the Environment-- Summary-- References-- 11 -- The Future for Fatty Alcohols.
Text of Note
The definitive reference source which considers fatty alcohols from their production, environmental behaviour and potential toxicity viewpoint and discusses their anthropogenic contributions.