Controversies and the Metaphysics of Mind; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part One. Outline of a theory of metaphysical controversies; The Kantian framework; The idea of controversy and metaphysics; Intuitions, thought experiments, and controversies; Part Two. The knowledge argument; The polemical character of the knowledge arguments; The antinomies of consciousness and their resolutions; A priori knowledge and the explanatory gap; Part Three. Personal identity and revisionary metaphysics.
Text of Note
Since ancient times, metaphysical theories have been shaped by the dialectical relations between metaphysical positions. The present book offers a new account of the role of controversies in the evolution of ideas in current metaphysics of mind. Part One develops a pragmatic theory of metaphysical controversies that combines Kantian themes and themes from current argumentation theory. The theory developed in this book underscores the role of a unique type of dialectical arguments which establish metaphysical positions as controversial relevant alternatives in the evolution of chains of debates.